Tattoo Inquiries
If you are interested in speaking with an artist, be it about a tattoo, commission or even just a second opinion, we have put together a list of questions that will help us get you on the books! An Artist will get back to you as soon as possible!
Artist Portfolios
Our artists portfolios are populated from their Instagram feeds. Check them out and see who fits your style. If you see something that fits, filling out the consultation form will tell them everything that they need to know to take on the piece and it puts it right in their inbox!
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Timed sessions, Our breaks are on us, yours are on you.
- We treat the tattoo experience as sacred as the tattoo itself. We will go through this together, and your story will influence us on our journey as our art travels with you on yours.
- As Montanas first completely disposable shop, we have no clean room. The tips and needles are all disposable ensuring the safest possible procedure.
- It's our job to make you look cool. We all want your next peice to be our best work, we will work with you to achieve those goals!
Location- Private/Out of the way
Online Consultations and Communicate directly with your artist
You gotta see it!
Constant Evolution ALL DAY, EVERY DAY